As the new year of תשפ״ד comes closer and we find ourselves in the month on אלול. My resolutions for Elul through עשרת ימי תשובה:
- Wake up and daven with a minyan early
- Go to bed by 23:00
- On days when I’m not davening on the train, daven with a minyan at 7 a.m. or earlier
- On days when davening I’m on the train, get the train that leaves a 7:46 a.m.
- Before davening, don’t waste time watching movies, listening to podcasts, etc.
- Read from a mussar sefer for at least 10 minutes a day.
- Ideally, the mussar should be related to waking up early / davening
- Keep up with daf hayomi everyday during this period.
- Don’t rely on making up days on Shabbos etc
- If it takes less then 1 hour to learn the whole daf with Rashi, either learn תוספות or review to complete at least 1 hour of learning day.
- Be מחזק in last years resolution not to lie.
- Be מחזק in trying to avoid lying
- Take note of all lies, embellishments, or obfuscations said over a day. Even subtle ones.
- Write down the tally in obsidian and a spreadsheet at the end of the day.
May we all merit to כתיבה וחתימה טובה for the coming year 5784!